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November 05-06, 2021

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 Welcome to LOWVELO's Volunteer Headquarters 

Thank you for being here — this event would not be possible without you! 

There are many ways to get involved in LOWVELO, an annual fundraising bike ride held on Nov. 6th that benefits innovative and lifesaving cancer research at MUSC Hollings Cancer Center in Charleston, SC. 

LOWVELO connects a dedicated group of riders, volunteers, virtual participants, and staff members who are driven by compassion and a determination to end cancer. And with every rider-raised dollar going directly to cancer research at the state’s only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center, MUSC Hollings Cancer Center, you can feel good about lending LOWVELO a hand. 

The event has several new ride options including four road routes and stationary cycling classes, requiring a talented team of dedicated and passionate volunteers. We need 300-500 volunteers, so we have plenty of opportunities for you to be involved. Mark your calendars for Nov. 6 and sign up for a volunteer role now to help make this a successful event and accomplish our mission of eradicating cancer.

A virtual Volunteer Orientation will be held the week of the event. Details to come!

Thank you again for your time and support. There’s strength in numbers and together with your help, we can change what’s possible in cancer care and research!